
Bardsley Constructions 50th Anniversary

Published on:
20th October 2015
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Check your nuts

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Yep! – We did it, we was granted £856.00 by Bardsley Construction via Forever Manchester!

So what do we plan to do with it?

We will be running a targeted social media campaign at males aged between 15 and 35 in Tameside and surrounding areas.

The population of Tameside is approximately 219,000+, with 49% of this number being males, we have a great audience to target and get the all-important message of check your testicles and how to perform a self-examination if they’re unsure of how to do this by using our website.

Our ultimate aim and goal with this funding is to increase awareness about testicular cancer predominantly in the Tameside area, we have found that if one person shares what we are posting then this can go to different areas and a much larger reach and engagement will be achieved.

We also attend awareness sessions and events where we set up an awareness stand with pop up banners, information leaflets, prosthetic testicles with tumors on and currently we have plain table cloths, we’re going to purchase two table cloths with the charity logo printed and the important message “Have the GUTS to check your NUTS” on there.

Here is a bit more information about the social media campaign we’re launching soon:

We plan to run a consistent social media campaign over the next seven months which will see us spending on average £100 per month in social media advertisements, from this we expect to achieve a total reach/engagement of over 15,000+ males. The approach we’re taking with the campaign is aimed to get the message out of how important it is to detect testicular cancer early in a humorous manner so that it reduces the embarrassment for males not wanting to go to the doctors or check themselves.

We’d like to thank Bardsley Construction and Forever Manchester for granting the money and helping BaggyTrousersUK move forward with the awareness.