
Kick-about with Business

Published on:
13th October 2015
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Check your nuts

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Looking back on the tournament it was great to see people coming together for a very worthwhile cause and showing their support.

The time and effort we have all spent organising the tournament in the 2 months leading up to it was 100% more than worth it.


The tournament brought together a mix of work colleagues, friends and family and the response from those involved has been very positive. 

We hope the event reminded people of what we are trying to do and introduced and informed others of our aims and objectives.

On the day we had a total of 10 teams competing in two groups. The top two teams advanced to the semi-finals. Well done to Wii Man FC for going all the way and taking the honours. 

Thanks to everyone involved and a special thanks to the following:

  • Volunteers on the day: Sandra Perrin, Richard Smith, Kevin Taylor, Andrew and Julie Wilkinson, Samantha Howe, Fiona Aspinall, Michael Howe and Bamo Nouri.
  • Yarwood Building Services for sponsorship of 1st prize.
  • Fisams Cakes and Buffet for producing a great selection of cakes along with a custom cake for us!
  • A W Photography for producing some amazing photos which will be available for download from their website and ours too, we will update once the edits have been made.
  • Jon Beckett and his team from O2 Ashton/Manchester Fort they also donated five raffle prizes and vouchers.
  • Yvonne and her team from Santander Ashton/Manchester they made a generous donation on the day.
  • Kevin and his team from Hyde Fundraisers along with the help announcing the raffle and donating several raffle prizes coming from About Tameside.
  • Gary and his team from the Money Plus Group.
  • Janet & Lorraine with their team from Pearsons Legal and their donation of a case of wine (picture of it) also duly noted how fit John was playing a fast paced game at 58!
  • JP from Powerleague for accommodating to our every need on the day and working until 2am the night before the event.
  • All the lads from Bardsley Construction, The AA and all other players.

 What we plan to do with the money raised:

  • Invest in graphical services to enhance our awareness campaign to ensure it is adapted to the target audience age of 15-35, this will help young males understand the importance of checking on a regular basis along with an eye catching diagram of how to check.
  • Supply funding for our text reminder service which is in the development stages.
  • Drive our social media awareness to a new level allowing us to get the message across in a much better way.