We need your support

Over the past five years we have reached over 3 million people online, delivered awareness talks to over 15,000 young adults and engaged with over 50 males directly affected by testicular cancer.
The generosity of our supporters has enabled us to make a real difference in our mission to offer emotional, financial and practical support to those directly affected by testicular cancer. Together ensuring that those affected receive the best possible support after a cancer diagnosis and throughout recovery.
As a small charity, we very much rely on supporter donations to deliver our charitable aims. The financial climate for charities like Baggy Trousers UK is particularly hard at the moment and our fundraising needs to be balanced with our focus on making an impact delivering life-saving educational talks and providing support to people directly affected by testicular cancer.
We need your help. I am writing this blog today to ask if you would be willing to offer your support in the form of a vital donation?
£25 could pay for our online support forum to run for one week, the forum gives people access to peer support online 24 hours a day.
£50 could pay for 1,000 awareness leaflets, designed to educate young adults on how to check themselves for the signs and symptoms of testicular cancer.
£100 could pay for the delivery of an awareness talk to a school or college helping young adults to learn all about testicular cancer and become confident in their own wellbeing.
Donations can be made:
Online via our website, www.baggytrousersuk.org/donate.
A regular donation through our monthly giving option via our website.
By cheque, please make cheques payable to Baggy Trousers UK and post to Richmond House, Hill Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire, OL7 0PZ.
Any support you can offer will allow us to continue our life-saving work with young men.
Thank you in advance,
Yours sincerely,
Jack Broadley
Founder & CEO of Baggy Trousers UK